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Substanţa activă este clorhidratul de drotaverină. Fiecare comprimat contine 40 mg drotaverina.

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Acest medicament se utilizeaza pentru tratamentul simptomatic al spasmului musculaturii netede: -. Spastic conditions of the gastrointestinal tract, irritable bowel syndrome-. Biliary colics and spastic conditions of the biliary tract: Cholecystolithiasis, cholecystitis. SUKL ensures that all human pharmaceuticals available on the Czech market meet appropriate standards of quality, safety and efficiency and only safe and. Denumire comuna internationala:. En aucun cas, il ne saurait se substituer à une consultation médicale. NO – SPA 40mg24tablets – CHINOIN Pharmaceutical and Chemical Works Private Co. WHAT IS NO – SPA TABLETS AND WHAT IT IS USED. Mielőtt elkezdi szedni ezt a gyógyszert, olvassa el figyelmesen az alábbi betegtájékoztatót, mert. Zobacz opis i cenę produktu, skorzystaj z dostępnych rabatów i niskich.

DRŽITEĽ ROZHODNUTIA O REGISTRÁCII. Drotaverini hydrochloridum (drotaveríniumchlorid). Traducerea acestei pagini NO – SPA TBL 40MG N24. Hind Apotheka kliendikaardiga 3,90 €.

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Drotaweryna działa w przypadku skurczu mięśni. Xem chi tiết thông tin hướng dẫn sử dụng sản phẩm tại đây. Mua hàng chính hãng, giá tốt tại Nhà thuốc An. It is an effective medicine to treat spasm or twitches of the smooth muscles in the stomach and heart. NO-SPA išvaizda ir kiekis pakuotėje. It is used to relieve pain caused due to irritable bowel.

PKR – ‎În stoc Buy No-spa 40mg, 24 film-coated tablets, price, description. Item description: Relaxes smooth muscle in the gastrointestinal tract, bile ducts, urinary tract, genital organs and vascular. SÚKL zajišťuje, aby v ČR byla dostupná pouze kvalitní, účinná a bezpečná humánní léčiva, a aby byly používány pouze bezpečné a funkční zdravotnické.