

Zonele rurale sunt regiuni din afara așezărilor urbane. Acestea sunt caracterizate prin faptul că au o populație redusă față de cea din mediul urban. Diese rurale Gegend ist angenehm ruhig.

Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. Substantiv, Neutrum – Gesamtheit der zu einem Dechanat.

Rural communication and extension (4301-430) – universität


Steigerungen: Positiv rural, Komparativ ruraler, Superlativ am ruralsten. Since the objective of this Regulation, namely rural development, cannot be achieved sufficiently by the Member States given the links between it and the other. Our vision is small communities (villages) for 100 to 500 residents in rural areas in Kenya (Africa) which are very attractive so that it reduces rural -urban.

Weniger als zehn Prozent der Landbevölkerung in Subsahara-Afrika haben Zugang zu elektrischem Strom. Less than 10 percent of the inhabitants of rural. Wortextraktions-Algorithmus versucht Wortwurzel, Aufschluss zur semantischen Herkunft, Definition und Wortbedeutung von RURAL. Acum 7 zile – rural Bedeutung, Definition rural: 1.

Welcome to ippae! — institut für agrarpolitik und


Many translated example sentences containing " rural area" – German-English dictionary and search engine for German translations. Both the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) and the European Union (EU) attach great importance to the preservation of rural areas as. Rural Urban Nexus – Globale Landnutzung und Urbanisierung: Integrierte Ansätze für eine nachhaltige Stadt-Land-Entwicklung. Creation of appropriate opportunities and assets for additional remunerative work and promotion of full employment in rural areas is a challenging task.

Am ales persoane din mediul rural dar din două categorii de vârste întrucât dorim să observăm dacă există vreo variaţie a. Traducerea acestei pagini Research and consultancy in the field of agricultural, structural, regional and environmental policy and development of agriculture and rural regions in Germany. Information on the rural development programmes of individual EU countries, with links to texts of the programmes and related documents. The EU promotes vibrant rural areas.

Together with market measures and income support, rural development measures are at the heart of the CAP. Puţinele imobile aflate în proprietate publică ce se găsesc în aşezările rurale sunt reprezentate de blocuri construite în perioada comunistă pentru angajaţii. Gheorghe Săvoiu, Ion Iorga-Simăn, Constantin Manea, Marian Ţaicu. Turismul rural, readuce la viaţă antropoligic şi sociologic o cultură aproape dispărută. Traducerea acestei pagini The Schleswig-Holstein Ministry of the Interior, Rural Areas, Integration und Equality is responsible in particular for internal security, including the police force.

This is the only way to give poor people in rural areas access to land, water, loans and training. In cooperation with academic institutions and the private sector, we.

Institute for rural development research


Future rural Africa“ is an interdisciplinary collaborative research center funded by the German Research Council (DFG) involving geographers, anthropologists. Bioeconomy Going Rural: Developing Rural Bioeconomies by focusing on Regional Strengths. Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice. Fachkompetenzen: After completion of the module, students are able to describe concepts to explain the rural, urban- rural linkages, they. Sin una infraestructura competitiva no puede haber un desarrollo regional y rural equilibrado.

Ohne wettbewerbsfähige Infrastruktur kann es keine ausgewogene. Welcome to the International PhD Program for Agricultural Economics, Bioeconomy and Rural Development at Justus-Liebig-University Giessen! The profile “International Agribusiness and Rural Development Economics” within the MSc program “Sustainable International Agriculture” trains students to. Life in Rural Germany – Changing Times.

The countryside is currently undergoing some very drastic demographic changes: The birth rate is. Zwischen der Sehnsucht nach Landleben und Urbanität als Mindset. Die Zerrissenheit von Stadt und Land scheint tief.